Wedding traditions you can love, ditch or ignore.

When planning your wedding, you will soon realize there are way too many wedding traditions to pick up. Honestly, if you tried to do each and every single one of them, you wouldn’t even enjoy your own special day.

So, forget about what everyone tells you to do and choose which traditions you really want to incorporate into your wedding day! And, to help you out make this big decisions, we have put together a list of the top 10 wedding traditions you can either love, ditch or simply ignore.

#1: Something borrowed, something old, something blue and something new.

There is a very old tradition that says the bride should always wear something borrowed, something old, something blue and something new when walking down the aisle, but have you ever wondered what does that mean?

Well, it is said a bride should wear something borrowed from a happily married couple, something that can transmite that love; something old, that represents her past, something blue, that represents both love and fidelity, and of course, something new, to represent her new future as a married women.

Brides usually go for finding accessories that can represent all of those things, and that they can wear either under the dress, as earings, or as hair pieces. Meaning something that can be part of their wedding look, but don’t take all of the attention.

#2: Decorating the wedding car.

The most common wedding car decoration is to attach empty cans to the back part of the car. Now, the reason of this particular tradition is because it is believe the noise will scare away any bad spirits trying to mess with the happy just married couple.

Nowadays you can decorate your wedding car literally however you want, but the one and only true tradition is to add empty cans to the back part. However, if you want something fancier, you can always try decorating it with flowers arrangements.

#3: Not seeing each other before the wedding.

It is said that it’s bad luck if the bride and the groom ever see each other before the bride (which is why you’ll be dressing in different rooms), or worse, one of them could change their minds about the whole thing.

#4: An all white dress.

White wedding dresses are still as trendy as ever, with most brides still loving the good old classic white dress over any other color. It is said that the white represents the purity of the bride, however, most brides only keep using it because is the tradition.

But as fashion moves forward, rose gold wedding dresses, lavender and even baby blue wedding dresses are becoming more and more popular. So it is really up to you if you want to follow this tradition or not!

#5: Throwing rice as the couple walks out of the church.

You have probably wonder why, just why, people choose to throw rice at the happy just married couple? Well the reason is quite simple, it’s because the rice represent fertility and prosperity, and tossing at the couple means you are bathing them with these great gifts and intentions!

#6: Wearing a veil.

Again, a tradition that is still very well and alive, but that most brides are getting tired of. The thing is, wearing a veil became a tradition because it was believed evil spirits could envy and hurt the bride, so she would wear it to disguise herself.

#7: Carrying out the bride.

You know why men love to carry the bride over the threshold? Well, not only because it looks cute (It does!) but because once upon a time, it was believed evil spirits could clinge themselves onto the wife and enter their relationship. Gotta protect those feet ladies!

#8: The hidden sugar cube.

It is said that hiding a sugar cube in the bride’s bouquet will sweeten her relationship. It is a pretty cute wedding tradition, and someone else has to do it for you! Honestly, who doesn’t want their relationship to be all sweet and full of love?

#9: No knives as wedding gifts!

Wedding gifts are always well received unless they are knives, mostly because it is believed they are sign of a broken, bad relationship, and nobody wants that when you are just getting married.

#10: Tossing the garter.

This is probably the most fun wedding tradition. It represent that now, finally, the groom and the bride will be able to “seal the deal”, and tossing it is just a fun way to pass the good luck to somebody else.


It is my day so why not?!